Is the cash you need today sitting in your debtors ledger?

Can Factoring Save Your Business?

Turn your Invoices into Cash within 24 hours once approved!

Can Factoring Save Your Business?

Using Factoring To Optimize Your Business

It takes a lot of hard work to build a successful business with a positive outlook. When it comes to getting to this position, businesses go through a rollercoaster of ups and downs leading to worry among business owners. For those who are putting in the time during the start-up phase, it’s important to know how to set up the business for long-term success. You want to build a company that doesn’t have to rely on others and can continue to generate enough sales to pay the bills and help the company grow based on your vision. Unfortunately, the world of business isn’t always as straightforward as this and can lead you down a path that is difficult to handle without appropriate solutions in place.

Businesses can falter for several reasons and each one tends to be unique. However, one of the main issues has to d with bad management and just not having control over things. One of these issues for start-ups comes in the form of not having enough funding to keep the business moving forward as it grows. Entrepreneurs will need to think about the first 6 months to ensure they get everything paid and don’t have lingering debt that drowns them. This is why a lot of business owners panic because they are left in a tough situation when the funds dry up.

Keeping Start-Ups Afloat With Invoice Factors

What are the main reasons for start-ups failing in NZ within the first 12 months? A major reason has to do with overdue invoices. Start-ups tend to see their funds drip away building a strong foundation, which means the entrepreneur has to try and fund the business on their own for a bit. This can be damaging if the invoices aren’t cashed in right away. During this period, business owners will often look at their sales ledger to keep things as quick as possible, but a lot of clients just don’t pay within the first 1-3 months. This can delay things and make it difficult to keep the business going as it needs to with a lot of pressure coming from overdue invoices. Plus, the start-up doesn’t have much of a standing with the financial institutions in its early years, which makes it difficult to keep the business running as it needs to causing everything to collapse.

With the help of Invoice Factors, it’s possible to reach out to a trusted factoring company in the heart of Auckland that works with NZ companies around the nation. Entrepreneurs willing to work with Invoice Factors will know their business is going to have a strong financial backing as soon as they sign up with this factoring company. We take the time to work out a customised invoice factoring plan based on what the business needs and will make sure the cash is ready to go on time. This is key for those who want to push past the first six months and do well.

Long-Term Businesses Can Struggle Too

Start-ups are often the main topic of discussion when it comes to these issues of funding. However, it is also possible for long-term businesses that have been around for a while to struggle as their credit begins to diminish. A company that pushes a larger amount of sales needs to keep up operationally. However, when things start firing rapidly, it’s not always easy to make things click while keeping up with the spike in sales. This spike makes it difficult for businesses to keep the operation running successfully leading to cuts. Even something as simple as hiring new employees or buying new materials can eat into the funding. This is everything the company has to fund quickly to do well.

A company that goes to the bank for funding may not see things work out as planned. The bank funding is going to have serious interest charges that will add up and it is going to make it difficult to pay back the financial institution on time. Invoice Factors offers custom invoice financing that will help the company quickly get the funds it needs to keep things chugging along. This is good for those who want to know there is a seamless cash flow coming into their account to help the business develop. When the invoice sales go up, you will also see the available cash rise.

Pushing a Business to New Heights Using Factoring

When it comes to developing positive relationships in the industry, there is no one better than a company that factors invoices due to the possibility of versatile financing options. By being able to connect with an invoice funding organisation, it is possible to tap into funds that are already coming through your operations as a business. With Invoice Factors, it’s possible to get things up and running within 5 business days, and sometimes it doesn’t take that long to get everything operating perfectly. As soon as the account has been approved, the invoice gets approved and the cash comes through as intended. A lot of businesses don’t want to get stuck with invoices, so they pursue options such as these to make sure their business continues to thrive as it needs to while having appropriate funding for growth.

Invoice Factors is all about offering a comprehensive factoring solution that is going to make it easier to maintain a strong cash flow for your business heading into the future. Entrepreneurs prefer leaning on a solution such as this because it offers a well-rounded solution for a problem that only gets worse with time. It is all about growth and that is what you are going to push for with factoring. You are not going to have to keep an eye on the finances all the time because the cash is going to be ready to go when needed. This helps keep the business in good shape and focused on what lies ahead. You can easily start to grow the business and expand it without hesitation.

Removing the Threat of Business Closures

When the invoiced sales start to trickle in, a business needs to follow its underlying strategy and grow with an eye towards stability. This is not going to happen when the funds don’t come in and the business has to give up before it gets a proper chance to do well. This is why a factoring plan makes all the difference in the world and can help when it comes to short-term expenses and/or payroll funding. Just knowing you have this as a viable solution is going to help the business do well heading into the future and it will give you a chance to push forward successfully. Invoice funding makes it easier to think about a prosperous future rather than a struggling one.

To learn more about your options, give Invoice Factors a call, and get started right away. This is a good way to make sure your business doesn’t sink before it gets a chance to swim. Invoice Factors provides all-in-one solutions for those who want to gain access to financial specialists with years of experience for their custom discounting needs. If the goal is to think about the future then it is time to focus on this solution. Don’t look towards banks all the time because they are going to leave you in a tight spot when the funds dry up, instead, it’s time to contact Invoice Factors.

About Us &

What We Do

Invoice Factors services the entire country of New Zealand.

We can provide funding for clients for almost every major industry including manufacturers, distributors, service providers, importers, construction, medical providers, and transportation for both large and mid-sized businesses.

Invoice Factors is focused on offering financial services to mid-sized and small businesses. Offering invoice factoring services is the core product that we provide but we will provide equipment and plant fundings, vehicle financing, and also lease to buy services to allow your customers to buy from you.

We provide funding to a wide range of different industries and provide flexible funding requirements that a majority of businesses that sell products or provide services can qualify for easily.

We are able to fund customers for almost all major industries, including manufacturers, distributors, service providers, importers, construction, medical providers, and transportation large and mid-size businesses.

Call us on 0800 002 453 today so we can discuss how invoice factoring can help your business.

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